• Horse Hair Jewellery Keep your horse close to you


Duo was originally bought for my brother and little did I know at the time he would become my horse of a lifetime. Duo arrived 9 years ago, a raving lunatic to some, who we actually thought was too dangerous, but after hard work and determination from my mum and brother, he turned into part of our horsey family and soon became labelled our giant dog.

So where did mine and Duo's story start? Back in 2011, on a weekend back from Universtiy, my mum was thinknig about selling Duo as my brothe rhad lost interest and he was becoming wasted. She asked me to ride him whilst my horse, Theo, was off lame. We didn't get off to a great start as he spooked at a pigeon and I came out the side door into a puddle, but we soon clicked and my mum knew he was staying. 

In 2012, we had just started going out jumping when we hit our first hurdle. Duo was diagnosed with bacterial sinusitis, which he need flushed out, through all of which he was a five star patient. He soon got over his sinusitis, but as I was still at University, I found it difficult to get the time to go out competing as much as I would have liked to. 

May 2014, I finally completed my last exam and rung my mum to say how it went. To my shock, my mum told me she was waiting for a vet, Duo had done a rotational out in the field and looked like he had hurt his pelvis. Luckily, he hadn't injured his pelvis, but had shattered his splint bone. A long road to revovery and attempting to bring a fly bucking machine back into work, we finally got to go and do a sponsored ride in March 2015 and then got back to doing some small jumping shows, Duo feeling absolutely amazing. 

August 2015, disaster struck, not for Duo, but for myself. I came off a horse I had recently bought, and much to my shock had crsuhed a vertebra in my back. I never thought this sort of thing would happen to me. After this my mental health began to spiral downwards and I found myself fighting with anxiety, depression and PTSD. My therapy through all of this, my horse. He put up with my tears, made me feel safe in a world that had crumbled around me. I was told that I may never ride again, but with the help of Duo, got back in the saddle, got my confidence back and built up my strength. Duo, made all the pain and aching worth while. I had hopes we could do my first competition together since my accident but it just wasnt meant to be. 

Duo was diagnosed with sinus cysts in October 2017, which were successfully removed. However, in January, we noticed signs that Duo wasn't happy and in February, found that the cysts had rapidly grown back again and there was nothing more we could do for him. I said goodbye to my therapist, my best friend and my horse of a lifetime. I found Tail End Jewellery and now have the most treasured piece of jewellery, being able to have Duo with me where ever I go.

Thank you, Robyn. March 2018 


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